2024 "New Prospect on the Paleontological Research in Taiwan"
International Conference
Paper Submission
This seminar aims to review the history of paleontological research in Taiwan and to develop the diversity of paleontology. We expect to invite scholars in paleontological related fields, fossil enthusiasts, and young students from home and abroad to discuss and exchange the new context of paleontological natural ecology and human history, and to look forward to the new prospect of paleontological research.
Publication time:2024.09.10(Tue)、2024.09.11(Wed.)
Publication location:Tainan Municipal Library New Main Building,6F Shiguang Lecture Hall
- The papers for this seminar will be published in traditional Chinese and English, and contributions will be solicited publicly.
- Review approach: Each paper will be reviewed anonymously by academic experts.
- Candidates: scholars from Taiwan and foreign paleontology-related fields, graduate students and fossil fans, and young students.
- Targeted fields: Research topics related to paleontology, including stratigraphy, biology, and geology.
Contribution topic
1) New findings in paleontological studies in Taiwan.
2) New directions in conservation paleontology.
3) Interpretation and promotion of paleontology.
4) Insights into paleontological form and function.
5) Applications of paleontology. - Duration of contribution: From May 6, 2024 (Monday) till July 31, 2024 (Wednesday).
(After acknowledging receipt of the electronic document, we will send an email to indicate the completion of the submission. If no reply is received within five days, please send a mail again for confirmation) - Admission list: Subject to the completion of the review, an admission list will be announced on the site on August 12, 2024 (Monday).
- Important dates are as follows
1) 2024年07月31日 (三) 中英文摘要投稿截止。
2) Summary admission list subject to review and seminar agenda announced on August 12, 2024 (Monday).
3) The deadline for submission of the presentations in electronic format on August 30, 2024 (Friday). - Any abstract must contain complete content. Any abstract that only has the idea of a research project without the actual execution of the research or content will not be accepted.
- Paper and abstract format
(1) For the paper, the Chinese and English words and number font and size are specified below
- Cover title and headingsat all levels shall be in the font of DFKai-SB. The font size shall be 14 for the headline and 12 for the main body.
- The Chinese font of the main body shall be DFKai-SB, while the English and numeric font be Times New Roman, both in size of 12.
(2) Abstract word count: Not more than 500 words (including headline, Chinese/English words and keywords). - Date and method of submission of abstracts in Chinese and English
(1) Any contribution shall be submitted subject to the important date as specified under 7. Any contribution submitted late or with missing item will be rejected as waiver, and well will not remind or urge related contributor.
(3) When submitting abstracts, the title shall be in the form of "full contribution_ name_ paper title", for example, "full contribution_ Da-Ming Wong_ Discussion on Salary and Working Hours of Arts Administrators".
(4)Please 【Download】the file [Paper Authorization Consent] by clicking on the link並務必於論文繳交時,由投稿者或共同著作代表人親簽後上傳. - Date and method of submission of presentation in electronic format: One copy in .PPT format and one copy in .PDF format shall be submitted prior to August 30, 2024 (Friday) by email to the mailbox for the seminar.
- At least one of the authors of the accepted paper subject to review shall participate in the seminar and make an oral presentation.
Substantive Evaluation in Review Process
(a) Review comments include: (1) Accepted; (2) To be revised and submitted for review by the original reviewer; (3) Rejected.
(b) Any contribution which is commentated as "Accepted" will be accepted preferentially, which is commentated as "To be revised and submitted for review by the original reviewer" will sent back to the author for revision and then submitted to the original reviewer for review, which is commentated as "Rejected" will be rejected.
(c) Any contribution which is commentated as "To be revised and submitted for review by the original reviewer" will sent by email back to the author for revision, and the author shall complete the revision within two weeks, and then upload the revised copy along with a revision explanation or reply to the seminar website, which will then be submitted to the original reviewer for review.The review comments include "Accepted " and "Rejected".
(1) Any author shall make his/her request for withdrawal in writing (sent by registered mail).
(2) After completion of substantive evaluation, any contribution which is required to be revised (including those who are reviewed after revision) must be revised and uploaded to the seminar website within two weeks after the notification is sent, otherwise it will be deemed as automatic withdrawal.
Selection mode
- Candidates: scholars from Taiwan and foreign paleontology-related fields, graduate students and fossil fans, and young students.
- Targeted fields: Research topics related to paleontology, including stratigraphy, biology, and geology.
- Duration of contribution: From May 6, 2024 (Monday) till July 31, 2024 (Wednesday).
(After acknowledging receipt of the electronic document, we will send an email to indicate the completion of the submission. If no reply is received within five days, please send a mail again for confirmation). - Admission list: Subject to the completion of the review, an admission list will be announced on the site on August 12, 2024 (Monday).
- Important dates are as follows
1) The deadline for Chinese or English abstract submission - July 31, 2024 (Wednesday).
2) Summary admission list subject to review and seminar agenda announced on August 12, 2024 (Monday).
Submission method
- Content of contribution: Abstract in either Chinese nor English, including preface (objective), methods, results and conclusions (discussion).
- Format of electronic document contributed: Microsoft Word, or .PDF file as converted in resolution 300 DPI.
- Please 【Download】the file [Paper Authorization Consent] by clicking on the link並務必於論文繳交時,由投稿者或共同著作代表人親簽後上傳.
Instructions for Poster Contribution
- The layout shall be in Portrait A0 (841 mm width x 1,189 mm height)
- With margins at least 5 cm on both sides of the page.
- Contents:In addition to the title and abstract in either Chinese nor English, it shall include preface, literature review, research methods, conclusions and references, as determined by you, also in consideration of the limited poster sizes.
- A hard copy of the poster shall be printed out by you on your own, and hand it over to the staff of the Check-In Desk for posting it when you check in, and tell us your poster number. If you want to post it yourself, be sure to use related toolkit carefully.
- Authors who check in shall explain the content of posters during the period when the poster is posted and made available.
Recommended Poster Format
- The font & size shall be 72pt bold for the title, 48pt for the subtitle, 36pt bold for the headings in the main body, and 32pt (preferably not less than 24pt) for the main body.
- The title/heading shall be bold fond, and the main body either Chinese nor English shall be in DFKai-SB or Times New Roman.
- The words and figures/tables shall be in as concise layout as possible, and in the size which is clearly legible at a distance of 1~2 meters.
- Printed out either in Chinese or English, in horizontal layout. Except for the title and the author name which shall be arranged in one column and aligned in the center, all contents shall be arranged in two columns on each page.
- Any figure/table shall be presented in sufficient resolutions, either in the middle of the main body or after the reference section. If presented in the middle of the main body, any figure/table shall be positioned as close to the paragraph where it is first mentioned as possible. Any figure/table shall be attached with proper description, which shall be positioned below related figure or above related table.