The 2024 "New Prospect on the Paleontological Research in Taiwan" International Conference Call for Papers Deadline Reached.Thank you for your submissions. We have received 26 paper abstracts. We will now proceed with the review process, and the results will be announced on our website by August 12, 2024. Authors will also be notified via email. If you have any questions, please email us at, and we will respond as soon as possible. Thank you.

Additionally, registration for the seminar will open on August 1, 2024. For details and online registration, please visit: Registration closes on August 31, 2024. We welcome all students, teachers, researchers, and general public who are interested in the seminar topics to register and participate.

〈Event Information〉
Date:September 10-11, 2024
Venue: Shiguang Lecture Hall, 6th Floor, New Main Building, Tainan Public Library
Fees: Student Discount: NT$300, General Admission: NT$500

Languages: English, Chinese

*To register for the seminar, please fill out the registration form and complete the payment. A pre-conference notice will be sent three days before the seminar.